Communication is part of our everyday life. Although language may be the first thing that comes to mind, there is lots more to communication. This article speaks of one reason why nonverbal communication matters and how to use it to better your life.

What is the best way to communicate 

Did you ever practice silence for a few minutes, hours, or even days? If you haven’t, consider putting it on your bucket list. There is a profound experience within you when you take a break from talking. If you think about it, we often say too many redundant words throughout the day. 

It is only natural to want to see how life is without speaking. And when you do, you are one step closer to appreciating your ability to talk. After all, it is easier to be grateful for things that occasionally disappear from our lives. You may think being silent means less communication. On one level, this may be true, but communication is a lot more than uttering sounds.

Communication is about the interaction of two entities or life forces. It does not need to be between only humans. Animals may communicate with each other with their language. What is more, humans can often communicate with animals with signals and gestures. That is only a small sample that shows why nonverbal communication matters.

Although we do not need to exaggerate nonverbal communication, we can see its significance. After all, when we talk about the best way to communicate, it is all about meeting an objective. And that objective says that the other person, entity, or life force should get it. In other words, the best way to communicate is the way it gets across. And more often than not, this happens through nonverbal communication.

Why nonverbal communication matters 

We may get training on how to speak or write, but most interactions in our lives are through nonverbal communication. For an estimate, note that medical studies show that at least 55% of our daily communication is nonverbal. Some put this number as high as 93%. But, from where does all this nonverbal communication come?

In short, it mostly boils down to body language. Hand gestures, eye contact, body movements, posture, facial expressions are only some of the ways we communicate to each other without words. The same happens with any other living thing, such as your dog or any pet, if you have one. And although it may initially sound bizarre, the same applies to our interactions with the rest of the world.

Don’t you think you have a relationship with the trees or the sea? If not, remember from where we take our oxygen. In any case, our relationships are beyond count. The very earth we walk upon provides us with stability in our lives. That is a fundamental relationship we have with Mother Earth, from where we also take and return our bodies.

Thankfully, wherever there is a relationship, you have the choice of communication. And just like in human interactions, communication can go a long way to establish a healthy and productive relationship. Since only humans can make sense of our language, we are left with nonverbal communication as the primary way to bond and connect with our surroundings. We are grateful enough to have this choice.


  • Communication is about the interaction of two entities or life forces. It does not need to be between only humans.
  • The best way to communicate is the way it gets across. And more often than not, this happens through nonverbal communication.
  • We hold infinite relationships with everything around us. And wherever there is a relationship, we have the choice of communication.

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