Once you know where you are standing, the next logical step is to find ways to become better.
That is why this topic: Self-improvement.
If you want to move on the journey of life, you have to explore ways of personal development. You cannot do without it.
This topic is part of the first pillar: that of Spirituality. I cannot in any way overstate its importance. Simply put, without it, there can be no growth in human consciousness.
The articles I have planned to publish are:
- The first step of growth: realizing where you are
- Where do you want to be in the future? Decide now
- Towards the ideal self
- What would you say to your younger self?
- What would you say to your older self?
- Do you regret of anything you did?
- Locate your assumptions: the 3-year-old’s technique
- What do you really want? And what needs to be done about it?
- Make your gratitude list
- List all your happy moments in life
- Your comfort zone: what’s in it and what’s out of it?
- What would my self 2.0 do?
- A simple technique: daily review your day
- Becoming less self-centered
I will publish one article every month on the first Sunday 10 am UTC in this blog.
Stay tuned and don’t forget: “Life is all Around”.