


Inspired by Leonardo da Vince, the Renaissance man was once a statue of prestige and success. Here are three reasons to look up to a Homo Universalis. Why is it important nowadays? How can it improve your life?

Becoming a Renaissance man is a straightforward way to grow

You never cease to learn. Whether you are aware of it or not, you constantly adapt to what you see. The more things you do, the more you can learn. And this is a highway to growth.

Every time you learn a different skill, your mind trains to think differently. Did you ever hear that a person has at least as many personalities as the languages they are fluent in? With every language you learn, your mind starts to work differently.

Once you are open to learning and adapting, growth happens naturally. After all, change is a prerequisite of growth. And if you want to learn, that change is more likely to be positive. You can then embrace that growth and use it to improve your life.

The more you learn, the bigger your capacity to innovate

Imagine you were proficient at four or five things. That means you can easily approach a problem or challenge from five different perspectives. You would be able to see seemingly unrelated dots come together in harmony. And this is the essence of creativity.

For example, the Medici effect is an observation book that shows the importance of being a Homo Universalis in innovation. It also explains why bringing together people from different disciplines can often lead to breakthrough ideas.  

And do not forget that innovations make for the reason our lives have dramatically improved in the past fifty years. Although increased specialization explains how we sustain that growth, innovation is why development became possible in the first place. Imagine if we could further enhance our capacity to innovate.

Becoming a Renaissance man can improve your life 

Although many consider themselves specialists, it does not mean they know nothing outside their area of expertise. They may not be experts in these other fields, but they have an interest that can turn to proficient knowledge. Surely, they may have some hobbies or side hustles.

Of course, there is a need to be an expert on something when it comes to working. This is how the economy works. But your life is not only about your job. Even if you work forty or fifty hours per week, you always do things outside your job. And the more you know, the better you can do these things.

In other words, if you have a profound understanding of various disciplines, your life outside work could improve dramatically. Think of the many ways you can solve a problem, entertain your friends, invest capital, or view the world. The possibilities are limitless.


  • The more things you do, the more you can learn. And this is a highway to growth.
  • Once you can approach a problem from various angles, you would be able to see seemingly unrelated dots come together in harmony. That is innovation.
  • if you have a profound understanding of various disciplines, your life outside work could improve dramatically