


We all behave in a certain way based on the personality we have at any moment. Although most people have unconsciously shaped their personas, some have decided to choose them consciously. Before you can have this power, the first step is to find your personality.

Why start with your personality

Whenever you perform a task, you always have some identifications, either you are aware of them or not. Whether you identify with your family, nation, or universe, you still have some identity in place.

Getting to know your identity is the first step to changing it. You may wonder, “why to change my identity?”. It is a natural question to ask. You like your identity, and hence you have shaped it, even unconsciously at times.

However, note that whatever you do stems from your identity. You cannot do specific tasks unless you have the identity that supports them. In short, the more enhanced your identity is, the more things you can do. As a result, if you want to make a difference in the world or want to grow, then changing your identity is a necessary condition. 

And the first step to changing something is understanding where you are right now. In short, your identity mainly comes from your personality. Changing your persona enables you to shift your identity to something greater. As a result, this change empowers you to make a bigger and more positive impact on the world and your life. 

How to find your personality

No magic button will show your personality type and traits. There is work to be done here. If you want to make a lasting change and grow as a person, prepare to devote some committed time to this. 

Fortunately, there is no one perfect way to find your personality. At the same time, there are specific actions that you can take that can help you with the task at hand. Speaking from personal experience, it can help if you spend some time alone at a place you have never visited before. And of course, this visit does not include using any mobile device or book.

“So what to do when I am alone and cannot check my phone or read my favorite book?”. The answer is observing your behavior at the present moment and in the past. Attempt to answer questions such as “What are my strengths, needs, weaknesses, desires, fears, or skills”. Don’t forget to write them down. Taking notes and often getting back to them can help immensely. 

If you want to make this task more interactive, find a group of people, preferably strangers, and do the activity together. There are various workshops where strangers get together and try to understand each others’ personalities. Whether you have the privilege to attend one or not, remember that spending time alone is necessary if you want to see progress on this task.


  • Whenever you perform a task, you always have some identifications, either you are aware of them or not.
  • The more enhanced your identity is, the more things you can do. 
  • Attempt to answer questions such as “What are my strengths, needs, weaknesses, desires, fears, or skills”.

We all have desires. We all want to become something more. And then something even more. This is natural. We consciously or unconsciously have in mind an ideal self we want to reach and work towards. Hopefully, this article can make this process a more conscious choice.

Addressing the WHY question is not only important for a new entrepreneur. It can also prove an important stimulus and inspiration to grow in life. There are questions that cannot categorically be answered by today’s science. These may have to do with the purpose of humankind, space or just about creation itself. Think of “Why does anything exist?”, “Why am I here this very moment”, “Why we get born and why we die?”.

Creativity is a trait of our minds. If we have to be honest, we cannot really create something new. We are, however, able to twist certain aspects or combine seemingly unrelated things and then create something that has not happened before, but it was always possible.