


We have all wondered about the basis of our existence. As surprising it may sound, there is an element in the question that we often disregard. This article presents one aspect of the ever-burning question: where do we come from, and where do we go.

Think basic: where do we come from

Before attempting to answer or think about the question, it helps to define what exactly we mean by “we”. Is it the human species, earth, the universe, or the entire life all around? Depending on your perspective and approach, the answer may differ or boil down to the same thing.

Although it is about a deeply personal and subjective matter for many, there is an aspect to it that no one can deny. And that has to do with our bodies. We go as far as identifying with this heap of food. It is only natural to answer the question with the body in mind.

Where does the body come from, and where does it go? The answer is simple and beyond doubt. Our body comes from the earth and goes back into the same planet. After all, your food makes the building blocks for your body. And your food, in one way or another, comes directly from the earth.

Seeing our connectedness with nature 

Once you understand that your body is a heap of food and an outcome of this earth, your approach to the environment shifts immediately. You no longer see the environment as a place to walk upon, build your house, or occasionally litter. 

You see the earth as the place you grow up, your eternal home, the very substance that creates and sustains your life. When you see a burned tree, you care and are willing to take action so that this does not happen again. You take care of the earth just as you take care of your bed and house. 

You no more need any environmentalist to tell you what to do. It is inherent in your nature to protect your home. And when you understand your home is not only the field or room you own but the whole planet itself, then you are a step closer to seeing the connectedness you have with nature and life all around. 

Time for solutions, not accusations 

It is not difficult to see that human activity pushes the limits of our planet, our home, in terms of its capacity to sustain life. In the name of comfort, money, greed -name it as you wish-, we humans have sacrificed the wellbeing of the planet for the temporary prosperity of our societies. 

That is not to blame someone. That is about seeing the reality and taking corrective action. And that means changing your own behavior. You do not need to enforce your way of thinking to the other. At the very least, you can spread awareness and let them decide.

It is our responsibility to preserve our home planet for future generations. Every action matters. You cannot control the others, but you can dictate your behavior. Start with that and help the earth be the source of life for many generations to come.


  • Our body comes from the earth and goes back into the same planet.
  • See the earth as the place you grow up, your eternal home, the very substance that creates and sustains your life. 
  • It is our responsibility to preserve our home planet for future generations.