


Have you ever wondered what does it mean for something to be true? What is the quality that makes something true? That is a difficult but necessary question if you want to know something more than survival. Then, one of your first tasks is to learn how to define your Truth. 

Truth semantics: Your Truth will guide your growth

The question at hand is not about defining your Truth. That would happen at a later stage, and it is a personal endeavor. Before you get there, you would find handy a mechanism that can get you closer to it and keep you on track. This mechanism would be no other than learning how to approach Truth. 

Although there appears to be a universal Truth that applies to everyone, including forces such as gravity, this is not about it. On your journey to growth, you will have a Truth that guides your actions and attitude to life. This article is about how to define your Truth. 

The most important word in that phrase is the word Your. In the end, you will have a different Truth from someone else. Or, if you want to be part of a larger group, community, or association, you may share a common Truth or characteristics of the same Truth. But in its essence, this is a subjective and personal matter.

Although your Truth may differ from someone else, it does not mean one of you is wrong. Defining your Truth is not about right and wrong. It is about finding the best set of directions that will enable and accelerate your growth. Whether that growth is personal, spiritual, or even professional. Different “Truths” will work best for different people or situations. 

How to define your Truth: What is true doesn’t mean it also makes sense 

In one way or another, everyone has their own Truths. But not everyone has chosen it consciously. Some may have read something in a book; others have copied their parents. No matter how they did it, they have a Truth that guides their actions. 

For example, some value honesty or chivalry more than anything else. Others put their family, religion, or even themselves above anything else. However, their Truth is more complex than that. It may sound confusing, but remember that words cannot define something personal, which by default is different with every person. That is your task.

A tool that can help you establish your Truth is your guts. Let the mind aside for a few moments and allow your experience to guide you on establishing your Truth. Your Truth does not need to make sense. After all, sense and logic are conditions of the mind affected by everyone else, whereas your Truth is about your grander experience of life.

Remember, you want to find a set of directions that can help you on your personal journey. Of course, this requires that you first know what you want. Then, you can establish your Truth or your set of directions. Note, however, that these directions are neither morals nor rules in your life. They are only there to guide your behavior and attitude towards life. 


  • Everyone has a Truth that guides their actions and attitude to life. However, not everyone decides to choose their Truth,
  • Defining your Truth is not about right and wrong. It is about finding the best set of directions that will enable and accelerate your growth
  • Let the mind aside for a few moments and allow your experience to guide you on establishing your Truth.