


We all love taking breaks. Productivity may seemingly go down, but it often works the opposite way. This article shows how taking breaks can enhance your productivity, a goal for any economist.

Fatigue prevention

Have you noticed that when you work long hours, you tend to make more mistakes? That is common in any job. The mind is not able to focus on one specific thing for an extended time. At least for most people.

Did you ever try to focus on one thing consecutively for more than a few seconds? It may sound counterintuitive, but you can try to make sure. Close your eyes and think of only one thing, a dog, for example.

Chances are your mind will shift its attention to something else in a matter of seconds. The mind unconsciously asks for a break. So, instead of working long hours with many natural disturbances, you can consciously take frequent breaks to prevent the fatigue that naturally comes.

Creativity wonders

Did you ever notice that you have more ideas after you take a break? When your mind is rested, it has the capacity to make more connections and hence create more ideas.

Taking short and scheduled breaks can be a long way towards boosting your creativity. Problem-solving can also improve. You can try and see. After consistently taking breaks, productivity and creativity can improve in ways you never thought possible.

The next time you have a challenge or problem and need to find a solution fast, do some brainstorming while taking scheduled breaks. Your capacity to solve the problem can increase significantly.

The Happiness Factor

Whenever you take a break from the various activities, you also take a break from all the mind chatter. We all have things to do during the day. And our mind tends to focus on these tasks.

But the things we do are not the real reason we are happy. We are happy because we accept the things that happen around us. We are happy because we choose to.

When we are busy doing things we must, we tend to forget to be grateful for everything around us. Taking breaks can help us focus on the moment and be happy.


  • Instead of working long hours with many natural disturbances, you can consciously take frequent breaks to prevent the fatigue that naturally comes.
  • Taking short and scheduled breaks can be a long way towards boosting your creativity.
  • Taking breaks can help us focus on the moment and be happy.