What if someone told you that you own a superpower that can change your life? What if access to joy would be all your making?
Love makes life so sweeter. In a way, life is love. The same way you see that life is all around, you can also feel the love all around. Just look at how beautiful, and majestic everything is; that is all you need. But let’s dive deeper.
Nowadays, the world is so connected that we can visit any country within a day’s time. The pandemic has made us miss travel and appreciate our interconnectedness even further. This article offers a different perspective on why we like traveling in the first place.
We all make conclusions about a lot of matters every day, if not every hour. We meet a new person, and within minutes or even seconds we form an opinion and judgment about that person. We draw conclusions all the time, consciously or unconsciously. If we want to grow in the journey of life, becoming aware of our assumptions can be of great help.
To most people, hope is a positive emotion worth having, for others, not so. Here is a perspective on when to hope and when not to.
If you ask an old person about what they could do differently in their past, many would say something like: “I wish I had lived a life true to myself and not the life others expected of me”. Expectations matter and one can enhance their life if they find the right balance and formula for their own expectations.
“Who am I” is a question that you will inevitably come across if you are interested in becoming a better human being. The answer is not gonna appear somewhere, nor will you read it anywhere. However, there are some assumptions that we usually make when we try to answer it. We usually think we are our personality.
Wondering what real friendships means? This article presents a definition of real friendship, even between different sexes.
One of the favorite questions of those who love to plan is asking about the future and trying to fix it. For example, “what do you want to become” is a very common question, even in kindergarten! However, “how do you want to live your life” can prove more helpful in creating a greater future.
In general, there are two main spheres of influence when it comes to cultures: the Western and the Easter cultures. A main difference between the two is the tool and criterion each uses to regard something as true. One employs logic and the other experience. This article talks on how to use both for your growth.