The simple act of smiling can be one way to move from pursuing happiness towards expressing it. It is one simple method to help us realize that joy is our original nature or in other words that the source of joy is within us. After all, when we were children, we were simply happy. We can choose to bring this back.
In general, there are two main spheres of influence when it comes to cultures: the Western and the Easter cultures. A main difference between the two is the tool and criterion each uses to regard something as true. One employs logic and the other experience. This article talks on how to use both for your growth.
Wondering what real friendships means? This article presents a definition of real friendship, even between different sexes.
If you ask an old person about what they could do differently in their past, many would say something like: “I wish I had lived a life true to myself and not the life others expected of me”. Expectations matter and one can enhance their life if they find the right balance and formula for their own expectations.
Wondering whether to find a life partner? Here are three reasons why sharing your life with a partner makes everything so much more fun!
Have you ever met a person but wished you got to know them better? Or maybe you are looking for ways to turn chitchat into a real conversation. Either way, this short post gives you 15 questions or conversation boosters that can spice up a chat at any time!
Relationships can be of many kinds. Yet, the type of relationships we seem to care about the most are romantic relationships. Although many think it is all about intimacy, a romantic relationship is a different matter altogether. Want to know more? Here are three things a romantic relationship means!
There are times that you wish you were somewhere else. Or that you could talk to someone in person or on a call, but for some reason, you can’t. So you may wonder what to do if you miss someone. Here are three steps to follow!
History has been a boring subject for many students in primary school and beyond. This gets more noticeable if one considers the way it is often taught: history classes usually require memorization rather than learning. However, as with all things in life, we can use everything for our growth, including history reading.
People seem to excel better when they live and work together. 10 people can achieve more if they work as a group than if they work independently. In one way, a culture is a certain arrangement of rules and patterns through which individuals can live and thrive together. However, people seem to believe that cultures cannot be chosen.